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Penelope Mason History of Japanese Art 2nd Edition Pdf

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 · 139 ratings  · 9 reviews
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Jan 21, 2014 rated it liked information technology
It'due south just a textbook but it's ane of the most interesting ones I've read for what it'southward worth and has a very impressive drove of artworks to study. It's only a textbook but it'south ane of the most interesting ones I've read for what it's worth and has a very impressive collection of artworks to study. ...more
Christian McGuire
This is a textbook that is a very rich and exhaustive primer on Japanese art, from prehistoric Japan until today. The writing style is very readable and clear, and thus this is a very useful and helpful book for those interested in Japanese history.

The downsides are these however:
ane) It is very slow and at times very tedious.
2) If you want the history of anime, wait elsewhere.

I recommend information technology if you want to acquire most Japanese art history, but I don't retrieve this is suitable for pleasure reading.

This is a textbook that is a very rich and exhaustive primer on Japanese fine art, from prehistoric Japan until today. The writing style is very readable and clear, and thus this is a very useful and helpful book for those interested in Japanese history.

The downsides are these however:
i) It is very tedious and at times very boring.
two) If you want the history of anime, await elsewhere.

I recommend it if yous want to learn almost Japanese art history, but I don't call up this is suitable for pleasure reading.

May thirty, 2020 rated it liked it
I love Japanese Fine art, but this volume feels disorganized at points.
It is mode too comprehensive on some themes that the writer probably had a lot of interest in, just some aspects are not as well explained.
It probably doesn't help either that I take to memorize through this 1 kg shit.
I love Japanese Art, but this book feels disorganized at points.
It is way besides comprehensive on some themes that the author probably had a lot of interest in, but some aspects are not too explained.
Information technology probably doesn't aid either that I have to memorize through this i kg shit.
Despite looking similar one, it is more merely a coffee book, it is quite comprehensive. It's a pretty big thing. Despite looking like one, information technology is more than simply a java book, it is quite comprehensive. It's a pretty large affair. ...more
Keren Wang
Jan 03, 2022 rated it actually liked it
"just a textbook - 3 stars. a niggling exhausting"

5/v The all-time introduction to Japanese Art History in English language. Of class this comes with its implications and issues, but if you desire to know how different types of lacquer wares were fired and how vessels looked like during the Jõmon Period, this is the overview piece of work you need.

"merely a textbook - 3 stars. a lilliputian exhausting"

5/5 The all-time introduction to Japanese Art History in English. Of grade this comes with its implications and problems, but if you lot want to know how different types of lacquer wares were fired and how vessels looked similar during the Jõmon Menstruation, this is the overview work you demand.

Aaron Glett
I idea the book was insightful, very well written, although a chip more exhaustive than I expected. It'south much more informative than I expected. Yet, it doesn't concentrate on much contemporary history when information technology comes to their art. Kind of stops around the 1950-1960s. Unless she'due south published a revision or next edition. I thought the book was insightful, very well written, although a chip more exhaustive than I expected. Information technology's much more informative than I expected. However, it doesn't concentrate on much contemporary history when it comes to their fine art. Kind of stops around the 1950-1960s. Unless she'south published a revision or adjacent edition. ...more
May 23, 2011 rated information technology it was ok
Comprehensive study on Japanese art. Needs back up of other books when considering subjects like the origin of Buddhism, besides equally gimmicky artists.
This was really informative. It was kind of difficult to read because there was a lot of information and information technology was difficult to take notes on. Otherwise, it was really interesting.
Aubree Garlit
Sophy Laughing
Johnathan Amilca

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